Scripture Verse

My tongue shall sing aloud of Thy righteousness. Psalm 51:14


Gunnar Wennerberg (1817–1901)

Words: Jo­seph Swain, Wal­worth Hymns (Lon­don: J. Mat­thews, 1792), pp. 132–34.

Music: Wen­ner­berg Gun­nar Wen­ner­berg (1817–1901) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Joseph Swain (1761–1796)


Who can for­bear to sing,
Who can re­fuse to praise,
When Zi­on’s high ce­les­ti­al king
His sav­ing pow­er dis­plays?

When sin­ners at His feet,
By mer­cy con­quered, fall;
When grace, and truth, and jus­tice meet,
And peace unites them all?

When that ter­ri­fic law
Which, from the blaz­ing mount,
Filled Is­ra­el’s trem­bling camp with awe,
Shows a dis­charged ac­count?

When the sweet Gos­pel found,
The sil­ver trump of Heav’n.
Proclaim, to con­trite souls around,
That all their sin’s for­giv’n?

When Heav’n’s ex­pand­ing gates
Invite the pil­grims’ feet,
And Je­sus, at their en­trance, waits
To place them on His seat?

Who can for­bear to praise
Our high ce­les­ti­al king,
When so­ve­reign, rich, re­deem­ing grace,
Invites our tongues to sing?