Scripture Verse

…wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12


Words: Will­iam D. Spring­ett, in Mo­dern Christ­mas Car­ols, by Ed­gar Pett­man (Lon­don: Weekes, 1892), page 13.

Music: Pett­man Ed­gar Pett­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Spring­ett or Pett­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Who is this babe so low­ly,
Here laid in a man­ger bed,
Room in the inn de­nied Him,
But cra­dled in cat­tle shed?
This is the Lord Al­migh­ty,
Messiah Sav­ior king,
Whose prais­es holy an­gels
With cease­less wor­ship sing!

Who is this Babe so ten­der,
To toil and suf­fer­ing born,
Whom men will treat un­kind­ly,
With cru­el­ty and scorn?
This is the Lord Al­migh­ty,
Whom hosts in Heav’n ad­ore,
Who with His word could scat­ter
His foes for­ev­er­more!

Who is this Babe so gen­tle,
This Babe, so pure and sweet,
Who wears a smile so lov­ing,
His vi­sit­ors to greet?
This is our on­ly Sav­ior,
Who deigns on earth to come
That He may op­en for us
The great eter­nal home.