Scripture Verse

My times are in Thy hand. Psalm 31:15


Catherine Winkworth

Words: Ämi­lie Ju­li­ane, 1686 (Wer weiß, wie na­he mir mein Ende!). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Ly­ra Ger­ma­ni­ca, 1858.

Music: Breck­nock Sam­uel S. Wes­ley, Eu­ro­pe­an Psalm­ist 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Who knows how near my end may be?
Time speeds away, and death comes on;
How swift­ly, ah! how sud­den­ly,
May death be here, and life be gone!
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dy­ing day.

The world that smiled when morn was come
May change for me ere close of eve;
So long as earth is still my home
In per­il of my death I live;
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dying day.

Teach me to pon­der oft my end,
And ere the hour of death ap­pears,
To cast my soul on Christ her friend,
Nor spare re­pent­ant cries and tears;
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dy­ing day.

And let me now so or­der all,
That ev­er rea­dy I may be,
To say with joy, what­e’er be­fall,
Lord, do Thou as Thou wilt with me:
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dy­ing day.

O Fa­ther, co­ver all my sins
With Je­sus’ mer­its, who alone
The par­don that I co­vet wins,
And makes His long sought rest our own;
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dy­ing day.

Then death may come or tar­ry yet,
I know in Christ I per­ish not;
He ne­ver will His own for­get,
He gives me robes with­out a spot:
My God, for Je­sus’ sake I pray
Thy peace may bless my dy­ing day.

And thus I live in God at peace,
And die with­out a thought or fear,
Content to take what God de­crees,
For through His Son my faith is clear;
His grace shall be in death my stay,
And peace shall bless my dy­ing day.

Angel of Death
Evelyn De Morgan, 1881