The great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
Revelation 6:17
Words & Music: Knowles Shaw, The Morning Star (Cincinnati, Ohio: Central Book Concern, 1877), number 42 (🔊
When the trump of God shall sound,
And the nations gather round,
And the Judge shall sit upon His royal throne;
Who will hear the welcome word,
From the lips of Christ the Lord,
Enter in, good and faithful, well done.
Who shall be able then to stand?
Who shall be able then to stand?
All who trust in Christ the Lord,
And obey His holy word;
These shall be able then to stand.
When the deluge swept the world,
And to death its millions hurled,
And the waters covered over all the land;
Those who trusted in the Lord,
And obeyed His holy word,
These were all that were able to stand.
When the cities of the plain
Were enveloped in the flame,
And destruction swept the multitudes away;
There was just a little band,
Who were able then to stand,
In that great and that terrible day.
When the day of wrath is come,
And the day of mercy gone,
And to judgment they are called from every land;
Sinner, how is it with thee?
Christian, how then shall it be?
Shall we all be able then to stand?