Scripture Verse

The great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Revelation 6:17


Words & Mu­sic: Knowles Shaw, The Morn­ing Star (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Cen­tral Book Con­cern, 1877), num­ber 42 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Knowles Shaw (1834–1878)


When the trump of God shall sound,
And the na­tions ga­ther round,
And the Judge shall sit up­on His roy­al throne;
Who will hear the wel­come word,
From the lips of Christ the Lord,
Enter in, good and faith­ful, well done.


Who shall be able then to stand?
Who shall be able then to stand?
All who trust in Christ the Lord,
And ob­ey His ho­ly word;
These shall be able then to stand.

When the del­uge swept the world,
And to death its mill­ions hurled,
And the waters co­vered ov­er all the land;
Those who trust­ed in the Lord,
And ob­eyed His ho­ly word,
These were all that were able to stand.


When the ci­ties of the plain
Were en­vel­oped in the flame,
And de­struct­ion swept the mul­ti­tudes away;
There was just a lit­tle band,
Who were able then to stand,
In that great and that ter­ri­ble day.


When the day of wrath is come,
And the day of mer­cy gone,
And to judg­ment they are called from ev­ery land;
Sinner, how is it with thee?
Christian, how then shall it be?
Shall we all be able then to stand?
