Scripture Verse

Whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:27


Words: Blanche Thorne­ly, 1910.

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thorne­ly (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George Stebbins


Who will My dis­ci­ple be?
’Tis the Mas­ter’s voice again;
Follow thou Me! Fol­low thou Me!
I will make you fish­ers of men.


I will fol­low Thee, I will fol­low Thee;
I will ob­ey, help me, I pray;
I will fol­low, fol­low Thee.

Who would My dis­ci­ple be?
He will My com­mand­ments keep;
Lovest thou Me? Lov­est thou Me?
Feed My lambs and feed My sheep.


I would Thy dis­ci­ple be;
Cleanse me, Lord, from sec­ret sin;
Cleanse me, I pray; send me today—
Send me forth some soul to win.


I will Thy dis­ci­ple be;
Serve Thee, Mas­ter, love Thee, Friend;
Teach me, I pray; I will ob­ey,
Love and serve Thee to the end.
