Scripture Verse

I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart. Psalm 9:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 16. The first two lines of the re­frain are bor­rowed from To God Be the Glory, by Fan­ny Cros­by.

Music: W. How­ard Doane, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Howard Doane (1832–1915)


Whole-heart­ed thanks­giv­ing to Thee I will bring
In praise of Thy mar­vel­ous deeds I will sing;
In Thee I will joy and ex­ult­ing­ly cry,
Thy name I will praise, O Je­ho­vah, Most High.


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people re­joice!
O come to Je­ho­vah, de­clare ye His fame,
And give Him all hon­or, for just is His name.

My ene­mies turn and are scat­tered in fear,
They stum­ble and per­ish because Thou art near;
For Thou hast de­fend­ed my right and my cause,
Thou sit­test in judg­ment, up­hold­ing Thy laws.


Rebuked are the na­tions, the wick­ed de­stroyed;
Their me­mo­ry per­ished, their dwell­ing place void;
Enthroned and eter­nal, Je­ho­vah shall reign,
The peo­ples to judge and the right to main­tain.


Thou, Lord, art a re­fuge for all the op­pressed,
All trust Thee who know Thee, and trust­ing are blest;
For ne­ver, O Lord, did Thy mer­cy for­sake
The soul that has sought of Thy grace to par­take.


Give praise to Je­ho­vah, the migh­ty deeds tell
Of Him who has chos­en in Zi­on to dwell,
Of Him to whom jus­tice and ven­geance be­long,
Who vi­sits the low­ly and ov­er­throws wrong.


Behold my af­flict­ion, Thy mer­cy accord,
And back from death’s por­tals re­store me, O Lord,
That I in the gates of Thy Zi­on may raise
My song of sal­va­tion and show forth Thy praise.


The sins of the na­tions their ru­in have wrought,
Their own ev­il­do­ing de­struct­ion has brought;
In this the Lord’s jus­tice eter­nal­ly stands,
That sin­ners are snared in the work of their hands.


The wick­ed shall per­ish, the na­tions shall fall,
Forgetting their God, who is God ov­er all;
But God will re­mem­ber the pray­er of the weak,
Most sure­ly ful­fill­ing the hope of the meek.


Arise in Thy jus­tice, O Lord, and Thy might,
No long­er let sin­ners pre­vail in Thy sight;
Great judge of the na­tions, in judg­ment ap­pear
To hum­ble the proud and to teach them Thy fear.
