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Scripture Verse

Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men. Revelation 21:3


Frederick G. Scott (1861–1944)

Words: Fred­er­ick G. Scott, The Soul’s Quest, and Oth­er Po­ems (Lon­don: 1885), num­ber 46.

Music: St. Ba­sil the Great Charles V. Stan­ford, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1916 (🔊 ).

Charles V. Stanford (1852–1924)
National Portrait Gallery



We hail Thee now, O Je­su,
Upon Thine al­tar-throne,
Though sight and touch have failed us,
And faith per­ceives alone!
Thy love has veiled Thy God­head
And hid Thy power di­vine,
In mer­cy to our weak­ness,
Beneath an earth­ly sign.

We hail Thee now, O Je­su;
In si­lence hast Thou come;
For all the hosts of Heav­en
With won­der­ment are dumb;
So great the con­des­cen­sion,
So mar­vel­ous the love,
Which for our sakes, O Sav­ior,
Have drawn Thee from above.

We hail Thee now, O Je­su;
For law and type have ceased,
And Thou in each com­mun­ion
Art sac­ri­fice and priest;
We make this great me­mor­ial
In un­ion, Lord, with Thee,
And plead Thy death and pass­ion
To cleanse and set us free.

We hail Thee now, O Je­su;
For death is draw­ing near,
And in Thy pre­sence on­ly
Its ter­rors dis­ap­pear.
Dwell with us, sweet­est Sav­ior,
And guide us through the night,
Till sha­dows end in glo­ry,
And faith be lost in sight.