The devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Revelation 12:12
Words: William H. Bathurst, Psalms and Hymns 1831, page 138.
Music: Adoration (Doane) W. Howard Doane, 1883 (🔊
Wide o’er earth’s remotest border
Long had midnight darkness dwelt,
Darkness, parent of disorder,
Darkness, such as might be felt.
But the Lord of life descending
From His mansion in the skies,
Peace and joy His steps attending,
Bids a glorious light arise.
Jesus comes; in silent wonder
Nations hail the new-born light,
While He rends the veil asunder
Which concealed Him from their sight.
Now the prince of darkness trembles,
For his reign is near its end;
All his forces he assembles
His frail empire to defend.
Vain attempt! the word is spoken,
Christ shall reign on every shore
Soon shall Satan’s rod be broken,
Sin and darkness be no more.