Scripture Verse

[He] died, and the angels carried him. Luke 16:22


Words: James S. Tor­bett, in An­gel Ech­oes, ed­it­ed by W. S. By­ford, W. H. Whit­worth & W. Roach (Dal­las, Texas: Song & Com­pa­ny, 1901).

Music: Bit­lis James S. Tor­bett, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tor­bett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Un Âme au Ciel
William Bouguereau (1825–1905)

When my work on earth is end­ed,
Will the an­gels come for me?
Will they bear me on their pin­ions
O’er the dark and stor­my sea?


Will the an­gels come for me,
When I cross the stor­my sea?
Will they take me home to God,
When the long, rough way I’ve trod?

When life’s sun is slowly sink­ing,
And the soul will soon be free,
Will the gates of Heav­en open,
And the an­gels come for me?


Will the an­gels bear me up­ward
To that home so bright and fair?
There to be with Christ my Sav­ior,
And the ran­somed ga­thered there?
