Scripture Verse

He that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30


John D. Patton (1868–1932)

Words: Laura B. Hunt­er, in Sing­ing for Joy (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, 1902).

Music: Levallois John D. Pat­ton (🔊 pdf nwc).

Laura B. Hunter (1860–1942)


Soon I’ll cross the mys­tic ri­ver,
Soon my la­bors will be o’er,
Soon my boat shall reach the land­ing,
Soon my feet shall press the shore.


Help me, help me now, my Sav­ior,
Wandering souls to win for Thee,
Souls to shine in heav’n­ly man­sions,
Throughout all eter­ni­ty.

Will there be one soul to greet me,
Out of all that hap­py band,
One that I have helped to res­cue,
Guided to the shin­ing strand?


Will some­one then say with rap­ture,
It was you who showed the way,
Led me to a gra­cious Sav­ior,
Sought me when I went astray


O the bliss be­yond ex­press­ion,
O the joy se­rene and pure!
Lord for this I’ll glad­ly la­bor,
All the heat and toil en­dure!


If I may, for Thine own king­dom,
Win but one dear blood-bought soul,
’Twill be pre­cious com­pen­sa­tion,
When I’ve reached, at last, the goal.
