Scripture Verse

Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest. Psalm 55:6


Words & Mu­sic: Ca­rol­ine L. L. Good­enough, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Caroline L. L. Goodenough (1856–1946)


Had I the pin­ions of a dove,
How would I fly away,
To realms of light and joy and love,
In por­tals of the day!


O give me the wings of a dove,
To fly and be at rest,
To seek the bliss of Heav’n above
Which those who find are blest.

Tho’ thru this wea­ry world I tread,
At morn, to God my friend,
At noon, and e’er I seek my bed,
My pray­er shall still as­cend.


O cast thy bur­den on the Lord,
Whose good­ness doth sus­tain;
The ten­der mer­cies of thy God
Shall ease thy load of pain.


So thou un­moved shalt pass along,
Thru life’s short fleet­ing day,
And car­ry in thy heart a song,
Until the sun­set ray.
