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Scripture Verse

Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord. Psalm 130:1


Catherine Winkworth

Words: Paul Eber, 1566 (Wenn wir in höch­sten Nöt­en sein). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Ly­ra Ger­ma­ni­ca, 1858.

Music: In höch­sten Nöt­en (Stras­bourg, 1545) (🔊 ).

Paul Eber (1511–1569)


When in the hour of ut­most need
We know not where to look for aid,
When days and nights of anx­ious thought
Nor help nor coun­sel yet have brought.

Then this our com­fort is alone,
That we may meet be­fore Thy throne,
And cry, O faith­ful God, to Thee
For res­cue from our mi­se­ry.

To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes,
Repenting sore with bit­ter sighs,
And seek Thy par­don for our sin
And res­pite from our griefs with­in.

For Thou hast pro­mised gra­cious­ly
To hear all those who cry to Thee
Thro’ Him whose name alone is great,
Our Sav­ior and our ad­vo­cate.

And thus we come, O God, to­day
And all our woes be­fore Thee lay;
For sore­ly tried, cast down, we stand,
Perplexed by fears on ev­ery hand.

Ah! hide not for our sins Thy face,
Absolve us thro’ Thy bound­less grace,
Be with us in our ang­uish still,
Free us at last from ev­ery ill.

That so with all our hearts we may
Once more our glad thanks­giv­ings pay,
And walk obe­di­ent to Thy Word,
And now and ev­er praise the Lord.