Scripture Verse

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up…to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17


Herbert E. Buffum (1879–1939)

Words: Her­bert E. Buf­fum, in His Voice in Song, by Ro­bert Win­sett (Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: Win­sett Mu­sic, 1918).

Music: Ro­bert E. Win­sett (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. Winsett


There’s com­ing a won­der­ful,
Wonderful day,
Its glo­ry has ne­ver been known;
When free from our bur­dens
We’re go­ing away,
As Je­sus re­turns for His own.


When Je­sus re­turns for His own,
And car­ries us up to His throne,
There’ll be no more sad­ness,
But all will be glad­ness,
When Je­sus returns for His own.

Then those who have suf­fered
And toiled for His name,
Tho’ hat­ed, re­ject­ed, un­known,
No long­er shall suf­fer
The world’s scorn and shame,
When Je­sus re­turns for His own.


Triumphant they’ll rise
With their Lord in the air,
And sit with Him soon on His throne,
While those who once ri­di­culed
Weep in des­pair,
When Je­sus re­turns for His own.


No long­er we’ll think
Of the tri­als down here,
The days when we suf­fered alone,
For God’s lov­ing hand
Wipes away ev’ry tear,
When Je­sus re­turns for His own.


Then let us be faith­ful,
E’en down un­to death,
Nor ev­er our trou­bles be­moan,
But ren­der Him praise,
And re­joice full of faith,
That we may be count­ed His own.
