Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up…to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
Words: Herbert E. Buffum, in His Voice in Song, by Robert Winsett (Chattanooga, Tennessee: Winsett Music, 1918).
Music: Robert E. Winsett (🔊
There’s coming a wonderful,
Wonderful day,
Its glory has never been known;
When free from our burdens
We’re going away,
As Jesus returns for His own.
When Jesus returns for His own,
And carries us up to His throne,
There’ll be no more sadness,
But all will be gladness,
When Jesus returns for His own.
Then those who have suffered
And toiled for His name,
Tho’ hated, rejected, unknown,
No longer shall suffer
The world’s scorn and shame,
When Jesus returns for His own.
Triumphant they’ll rise
With their Lord in the air,
And sit with Him soon on His throne,
While those who once ridiculed
Weep in despair,
When Jesus returns for His own.
No longer we’ll think
Of the trials down here,
The days when we suffered alone,
For God’s loving hand
Wipes away ev’ry tear,
When Jesus returns for His own.
Then let us be faithful,
E’en down unto death,
Nor ever our troubles bemoan,
But render Him praise,
And rejoice full of faith,
That we may be counted His own.