Scripture Verse

Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57


Gerard Moultrie (1829–1885)

Words: Ger­ard Moul­trie, in the Church Times, Au­gust 19, 1865.

Music: Jo­seph Barn­by, 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)



We march, we march to vic­to­ry,
With the cross of the Lord be­fore us,
With His lov­ing eye look­ing down from the sky,
And His ho­ly arm spread o’er us,
His ho­ly arm spread o’er us.

We come in the might of the Lord of light,
With ar­mor bright to meet Him;
And we put to flight the ar­mies of night,
That the sons of the day may greet Him,
The sons of day may greet Him.


Our sword is the Spir­it of God on high,
Our hel­met is His sal­va­tion,
Our ban­ner the cross of Cal­va­ry.
Our watch­word, the In­car­na­tion,
Our watch­word, the In­car­na­tion.


And the choir of an­gels with song awaits
Our march to the gold­en Zi­on,
For our cap­tain has brok­en the bra­zen gates,
And burst the bars of ir­on,
And burst the bars of ir­on.


Then on­ward we march, our arms to prove,
With the ban­ner of Christ be­fore us,
With His eye of love look­ing down from above,
And His ho­ly arm spread o’er us,
His ho­ly arm spread o’er us.