Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Words: Gerard Moultrie, in the Church Times, August 19, 1865.
Music: Joseph Barnby, 1869 (🔊
We march, we march to victory,
With the cross of the Lord before us,
With His loving eye looking down from the sky,
And His holy arm spread o’er us,
His holy arm spread o’er us.
We come in the might of the Lord of light,
With armor bright to meet Him;
And we put to flight the armies of night,
That the sons of the day may greet Him,
The sons of day may greet Him.
Our sword is the Spirit of God on high,
Our helmet is His salvation,
Our banner the cross of Calvary.
Our watchword, the Incarnation,
Our watchword, the Incarnation.
And the choir of angels with song awaits
Our march to the golden Zion,
For our captain has broken the brazen gates,
And burst the bars of iron,
And burst the bars of iron.
Then onward we march, our arms to prove,
With the banner of Christ before us,
With His eye of love looking down from above,
And His holy arm spread o’er us,
His holy arm spread o’er us.