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Scripture Verse

Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Win­nowed Songs, ed­it­ed by Ira D. San­key (New York: Big­low & Main, 1890), page 54. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Grace Fran­ces, one of Fan­ny’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Cor­do­va Hu­bert P. Main, 1890 (🔊 ).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


O Lord, my soul is hap­py in Thee,
My tongue Thy mer­cy is tell­ing;
I’ve found Thy love so pre­cious to me,
My heart with its rap­ture is swell­ing.


Wonderful love! O won­der­ful love!
Sing of its full­ness for­ev­er;
I’ve found the way that lead­eth to life,
The way to the beau­ti­ful riv­er.

I came to Thee o’er­bur­dened with care,
My guilt with sor­row con­fess­ing;
’Twas love, Thy love that ban­ished my fear,
And gave me for sad­ness, a bless­ing.


To Thee, my hope and re­fuge di­vine,
My faith is fer­vent­ly cling­ing,
And ev­ery hour some to­ken of love,
New joy to my spir­it is bring­ing.


I look be­yond this val­ley of tears,
Where Thou, a man­sion pre­par­ing,
Wilt call me home for­ev­er with Thee,
The bliss of the glo­ri­fied shar­ing.
