Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Words & Music: William M. Runyan, Songs of the Great Salvation (Wichita, Kansas: Runyan Music Publishing, circa 1919), number 153 (🔊
Word of God, O sacred treasure!
Sage and shepherd, king and priest,
Moved by God’s own Holy Spirit,
Brought to men thy wondrous feast.
Word of God, Word of God,
Heaven’s light abides in thee;
Through sin’s darkness all abroad,
Word of God, shine gloriously,
Word of God, shine gloriously.
Folded in thy sacred pages,
Where the eyes of men may see,
Is the wisdom of the ages
Given for our liberty.
Word of God, thy theme is Jesus,
Jesus and His dying love,
How from sin He fully frees us,
How He points to realms above.
Word of God, thy open pages
Call to service, banish fear;
None can idle be, or listless,
If thy great commands they hear.