Scripture Verse

We have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15


Roswell F. Cottrell

Words: Ros­well F. Cot­trell, in Hymns for Use in Di­vine Wor­ship (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: Re­view & Her­ald, 1886).

Music: Mait­land George N. All­en, The Ob­er­lin So­cial and Sab­bath Hymn Book (Ob­er­lin, Ohio: James M. Fitch, 1844), num­ber 109 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Allen (1812–1877)


The won­ders of re­deem­ing love
Our high­est thoughts ex­ceed;
The Son of God comes from above
For sin­ful man to bleed.

He gives Him­self, His life, His all,
A sin­less sac­ri­fice,
For man He drains the cup of gall,
For man the Vic­tim dies.

And now be­fore His Fa­ther’s face
His pre­cious blood He pleads;
For those who seek the throne of grace,
His love still in­ter­cedes.

He knows the frail­ties of our frame,
For He has borne our grief;
Our great high priest once felt the same,
And He can send re­lief.

His love will not be sa­tis­fied,
Till He in glo­ry sees
The faith­ful ones for whom He died
From sin for­ev­er free.