The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
Matthew 9:37
Words: A. Parke Burgess, in Hymns of Christian Endeavor, edited by Samuel W. Adriance (Boston, Massachusetts: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1888), number 30.
Music: Gunston Wilson L. Remsberg (🔊
Alternate Tune:
What a work to do for Jesus!
Work for you and work for me,
Work for all who trust His merit,
All who would His glory see;
Though we fill a lowly station,
And our talent be but small,
Though we are but young disciples,
We must heed the Savior’s call.
What a work to do for Jesus
And the perishing around,
Souls that by His blood are ransomed,
Telling them the joyful sound!
Oh, the lost and dying millions,
Wandering from God astray,
You and I may help to lead them,
In the straight and narrow way.
What a work to do for Jesus,
Work for heart and hand and brain!
Sowing aye, beside all waters,
Precious seeds of golden grain;
Going forth in life’s glad morning,
Happy with the Master’s love,
And at eve returning, laden
For the Welcome Home above.
Oh, the sacred inspiration,
Blest each heart by grace made free,
From the cross and from the garden,
This I freely do for Thee!
Can our lips be dumb in silence,
All unmoved by Love’s bequest?
Can we close our eyes in slumber?
Can we fold our hands to rest?