Go work today in My vineyard.
Matthew 21:28
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1894.
Music: Charles E. Prior (🔊
Out where the reapers are toiling
Out where they earnestly call,
Let us away in the morning,
There is a work for us all;
Lifting the vines that are drooping,
Trying their bloom to renew,
Bathing their leaves in a fountain
Purer and sweeter than dew.
Out where the reapers are toiling,
Out where they earnestly call,
Let us away, away in the morning,
There is a work for us all.
Out where the gleaners are toiling,
Patiently, cheerfully still,
If we are willing to labor,
Here is a place we can fill;
Speaking a word to the weary,
Helping the weak ones along,
Shedding bright sunshine around them,
Cheering their hearts with a song.
Out where the sheaves they are binding,
Sheaves for the garner above,
Go in the name of the Master,
Go in the spirit of love;
Hark! He is tenderly saying,
Work in My vineyard today
Haste, for the summer is waning,
Harvest is passing away.