For thy work shall be rewarded.
Jeremiah 31:16
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Young People’s Songs of Praise, by Ira D. Sankey (Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1902), number 21.
Music: Linderhof Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
Work, watch and pray,
The passing hour improving;
Life’s ebbing sand
Perchance will soon be run;
Work, watch and pray,
And may each golden moment
Tell of some good
Our willing hands have done.
Work, watch and pray,
The Lord Himself commandeth;
Look unto Him
From whom all blessings flow;
And if we fail
In wisdom, grace or knowledge,
Still look to Him
Who doth our weakness know.
Work, watch and pray,
And let our zeal be fervent;
We may not know
The bliss for us in store;
Then labor on,
While yet the sunshine lingers;
Night comes apace
When we can work no more.
Work, watch and pray,
And never be discouraged,
Tho’ for a while
Our toil may seem in vain;
Yet we shall see
The little cloud arising—
God in His love
Will send the promised rain.