Scripture Verse

Present yourself to God as…a workman. 2 Timothy 2:15


Words: Law­rence V. Fish, in The New Ca­na­di­an Hym­nal (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Will­iam Briggs, 1916), num­ber 167.

Music: Wel­ling­ton (Lamp­lough) Ed­mund S. Lamp­lough, 1916 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fish (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),



Work with all your might, boys; God de­mands your best!
Labor is en­ab­ling, makes the toil­er blest;
Girls, too, in life’s mis­sions, cher­ish great am­bi­tion!
Put your heart, and soul, and strength in all you do!


Work, work, work with all your might!
Work, work, toil as in God’s sight!
Every task is glo­ri­ous, make your life vic­to­ri­ous;
Up and con­quer, do and dare, in God’s great name!

Victories great await you in some glo­ri­ous task;
Powers to win God of­fers all who work and ask;
Day and night un­ceas­ing strive with strength in­creas­ing;
Up and con­quer, do and dare, in Heav’n’s own might!


Dream not of the hon­ors that sur­round the great;
Do the task be­fore you—who can judge its fate?
With a cour­age ho­ly and a spir­it low­ly,
Glorify the small­est deeds, and make them grand.


Everything is lof­ty in God’s won­drous plan;
Make your in­fluence felt, then; brave it like a man!
Great or low your call­ing, with a zeal en­thrall­ing,
Raise it up to heights sub­lime in God’s own name!
