I am putting My rainbow in the cloud—it will be there as a sign of the covenant between Myself and the earth.
Genesis 9:13
Words: James MontÂgomÂery, SacÂred PoÂems and Hymns (New York: D. ApÂpleÂton, 1854), numÂber 20, alt. EsÂcape from the delÂuge of old.
Music: St. Cross (Dykes) John B. Dykes, in Hymns AnÂcient and MoÂdern, 1861 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
A world of sinÂners once was drowned,
A delÂuge swept them all away;
One faÂmiÂly alone had found
God’s mercy in that judgÂment day.
Forewarned of wrath to come, they feared,
And, taught by God, preÂpared an ark,
Which o’er the waves in sunsÂhine steered,
Where all beÂlow was dead and dark.
Again the SpirÂit of the Lord
Moved on the formÂless deep and void,
And to the PaÂtriÂarch’s sight reÂstored
The relÂics of that world deÂstroyed:
A world withÂout a breathÂing soul,
Or sign of life in plant or tree;
Stretched like a corpse from pole to pole,
Untraveled land, unÂvoyÂaged sea!
Then from their hidÂing place they came,
And straightÂway built an alÂtar there;
Whence rose to Heav’n the douÂble flame
Of pure burnt sacÂriÂfice and prayÂer.
We, in an ark not made with hands,
God’s own new coÂveÂnant of peace,
Which on the rock of ages stands,
Seek reÂfuge till His anÂger cease.
Then, as the cloud-born rainÂbow smiled
On Noah’s ranÂsomed ones, we trace
Our heav’nÂly FaÂther reÂconÂciled
In our inÂcarÂnate SavÂior’s face.