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Scripture Verse

I am putting My rainbow in the cloud—it will be there as a sign of the covenant between Myself and the earth. Genesis 9:13


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: James Mont­gom­ery, Sac­red Po­ems and Hymns (New York: D. Ap­ple­ton, 1854), num­ber 20, alt. Es­cape from the del­uge of old.

Music: St. Cross (Dykes) John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

James Montgomery


A world of sin­ners once was drowned,
A del­uge swept them all away;
One fa­mi­ly alone had found
God’s mercy in that judg­ment day.

Forewarned of wrath to come, they feared,
And, taught by God, pre­pared an ark,
Which o’er the waves in suns­hine steered,
Where all be­low was dead and dark.

Again the Spir­it of the Lord
Moved on the form­less deep and void,
And to the Pa­tri­arch’s sight re­stored
The rel­ics of that world de­stroyed:

A world with­out a breath­ing soul,
Or sign of life in plant or tree;
Stretched like a corpse from pole to pole,
Untraveled land, un­voy­aged sea!

Then from their hid­ing place they came,
And straight­way built an al­tar there;
Whence rose to Heav’n the dou­ble flame
Of pure burnt sac­ri­fice and pray­er.

We, in an ark not made with hands,
God’s own new co­ve­nant of peace,
Which on the rock of ages stands,
Seek re­fuge till His an­ger cease.

Then, as the cloud-born rain­bow smiled
On Noah’s ran­somed ones, we trace
Our heav’n­ly Fa­ther re­con­ciled
In our in­car­nate Sav­ior’s face.

Noah Giving Thanks
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia