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Scripture Verse

We thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:13


Susan Peterson

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1997 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Fin­lan­dia Jean Si­be­li­us, 1899 (🔊 ).

Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)


We thank You, Lord,
And wor­ship You with glad­ness;
We praise Your name
And lift our hearts in song;
For You are good,
Your love en­dures for­ev­er,
Your faith­ful­ness
Continues all day long.
You’ve lav­ished us
With ev­ery spir­it­ual bless­ing;
We thank You, Lord,
And praise You now in song.

We thank You, Lord,
For ev­ery­day pro­vi­sions,
For dai­ly food,
For clothes and shel­ter too,
For health and strength
And grace for ev­ery tri­al,
For this free land
Where we can wor­ship You.
You crown each day
With Your abun­dant good­ness;
We thank You, Lord,
And lift our praise to You.

We thank You, Lord,
For giv­ing us sal­vation.
You sent Your Son
That we might be for­giv’n.
Far as the east
From west, our sins have van­ished;
Now jus­ti­fied,
We’re ci­ti­zens of Heav’n.
You’ve sealed us with
Your pro­mised Ho­ly Spir­it;
We thank You, Lord,
For love so free­ly giv’n!

We thank You, Lord,
For giv­ing us the Bi­ble
To guide our steps,
If we’ll but hear and read,
And for Your Church,
A world­wide liv­ing bo­dy,
That gives sweet fel­low­ship
And meets our need.
We are en­cour­aged,
And we wor­ship glad­ly;
We thank You, Lord,
You’ve made us rich in­deed!