Scripture Verse

On no day will [the city’s] gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. Revelation 21:25


Words & Mu­sic: Gar­field T. Hay­wood (1880–1931) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this song was writ­ten,

Garfield T. Haywood (1880–1931)


We now walk thru the val­ley and sha­dow,
Thru a world full of la­bor and strife;
But some day we shall walk with our Sav­ior
Robed in ev­er­last­ing life.


We will walk thru the streets of the ci­ty,
Where our loved ones have gone on be­fore;
We will go thru the gates of the ci­ty,
Enter to go out no more.

There’ll be no more pain, sin, sick­ness nor sor­row
In that city where nights ne­ver come;
Where the an­gel of death ne­ver en­ters
In our blest eter­nal home.


From the North, East and West they shall en­ter;
From the South, too, a host shall arise;
Then will child­ren of Ab­ra­ham ga­ther
To hold a re­un­ion in the skies.


Then we’ll wade thru God’s eter­nal glo­ry,
Thru the fields of His un­end­ing love;
Viewing scenes ev­er ris­ing be­fore us
Eternity alone can prove,


Let us then be kind, true and faith­ful,
To our Sav­ior, Re­deem­er and king;
Doing all He gives us to do glad­ly,
And His prais­es ev­er sing.
