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Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: Au­thor un­known; said to be a tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish song.

Music: Ano­ny­mous, in The Ho­san­na (New York: New Church Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1905), pag­es 76–77 (🔊 ).


Sing we all mer­ri­ly, Christ­mas is here—
Day that we love best of days in the year;
Bring forth the hol­ly, the box and the bay,
Deck out the cot­tage for glad Christ­mas day.


Christmas is here, Christ­mas is here,
Sing we all mer­ri­ly, Christ­mas is here;
Christmas is here, Christ­mas is here,
Sing we all mer­ri­ly, Christ­mas is here.

Sing we all joy­ful­ly, sing of Christ’s birth,
Sing what the an­gels sang, Peace up­on earth!
Parents and child­ren in bright gar­ments dressed,
Hasten to church to sing praise with the rest.


Sing we all mer­ri­ly, bring out good cheer,
Think of the ab­sent, and wish they were here;
Pray for our ar­mies by land and by sea,
Our brave de­fend­ers, the no­ble and free.


Sing we all mer­ri­ly, draw round the fire,
Father and mo­ther, and grand­son and sire;
Tell of the mer­cies to ev­ery one giv­en,
Talk of the dear ones now man­sioned in Heav’n.


Sing we all mer­ri­ly, Christ­mas is here,
Day that we love best of days in the year;
Sisters and bro­thers, and friends far away,
O how we wish they were with us to­day!
