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Scripture Verse

Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You. Psalm 39:7


Words: Au­thor un­known, in the Meaux Bre­vi­ary, 1713 (Lap­sus est an­nus: re­dit an­nus al­ter). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Fran­cis Pott (1832–1909) and the com­pil­ers of Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern.

Music: Tal­lis’ Or­di­nal Tho­mas Tal­lis, cir­ca 1567 (🔊 ).

Thomas Tallis (1505–1585)


The year is gone, be­yond re­call,
With all its hopes and fears,
With all its bright and glad­den­ing smiles,
With all its mourn­ers’ tears.

Thy thank­ful people praise Thee, Lord,
For count­less gifts re­ceived;
And pray for grace to keep the faith
Which saints of old be­lieved.

To Thee we come, O gra­cious Lord,
The new­born year to bless;
Defend our land from pes­ti­lence,
Give peace and plen­te­ous­ness.

Forgive this na­tion’s ma­ny sins,
The growth of vice re­strain;
And help us all with sin to strive,
And crowns of life to gain.

From ev­il deeds that stain the past
We now de­sire to flee;
And pray that fu­ture years may all
Be spent, good Lord, for Thee.

O Fa­ther, let Thy watch­ful eye
Still look on us in love,
That we may praise Thee, year by year,
With an­gel hosts above.

All glo­ry to the Fa­ther be,
All glo­ry to the Son,
All glo­ry, Ho­ly Ghost, to Thee,
While end­less ag­es run.