Scripture Verse

Of this Gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. 2 Timothy 1:11


Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1909, alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).


Ye her­alds of Je­sus, go forth with the light,
And scat­ter its glad beams abroad;
’Twill glad­den the na­tions like songs in the night,
And win pre­cious souls for your Lord.


Go forth with the light, go forth with the light!
Go, scat­ter the beams o’er the dark ocean wave,
And point them to Je­sus, the migh­ty to save.

’Tis thine, O be­lov­èd, re­deemed by the blood,
Salvation’s good news to im­part
Today to thy bro­ther, who sinks ’neath his load,
With glad­ness to fill the sad heart.


Commissioned of Je­sus, the lost ones to win,
Go, reach out a glad help­ing hand;
In migh­ty bat­talions they’re sink­ing in sin,
Those you might bring safe­ly to land.


In ci­ty or vil­lage, wher­ev­er they be,
Go thou with the life-giv­ing Word;
Quit not, till all peo­ple, from sea un­to sea,
The old Gos­pel story have heard.
