Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.
Revelation 3:20
Words & Music: Lelia N. Morris, in Hosannas to the King, edited by Clarence B. Strouse (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Pepper Publishing, 1901), number 39 (🔊
Long my willful heart said no!
To Jesus’ tender pleading;
Now I long His love to know,
My stubborn will is yielding.
Yes, dear Lord, yes, dear Lord,
Here I give my all to Thee;
I believe, I believe,
The blood avails for me.
Bringing all I am and have
In humble consecration,
Trusting in the blood I claim
This uttermost salvation.
Giving o’er my doubts and fears
And all my useless trying,
Trusting not my prayers or tears,
But on Thy Word relying.
Yes, dear Lord, in life or death
With Thee all good possessing,
Not by feeling, but by faith
I take the promised blessing.