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Scripture Verse

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19–20


Joseph P. Holbrook

Words: Sam­uel F. Smith, in the Ma­nu­al of Chris­tian Psal­mo­dy, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus Bab­cock, Da­vid Greene & Low­ell Ma­son (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Per­kins & Mar­vin, 1832), pag­es 577–78. Mis­sion­ary Fare­well.

Music: Se­gur Jo­seph P. Hol­brook, 1862 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • Sicilian Mar­in­ers from The Eu­ro­pe­an Ma­ga­zine and Lon­don Re­view, No­vem­ber 1792 (🔊 )
Samuel F. Smith


Yes, my na­tive land, I love thee;
All thy scenes, I love them well;
Friends, con­nect­ions, hap­py coun­try!
Can I bid you all fare­well?
Can I leave you—can I leave you,
Far in hea­then lands to dwell?

Home! thy joys are pass­ing love­ly;
Joys no stran­ger-heart can tell!
Happy home! ’tis sure I love thee!
Can I—can I say—Fare­well?
Can I leave you—can I leave you,
Far in hea­then lands to dwell?

Scenes of sac­red peace and plea­sure,
Holy days and Sa­bbath bell.
Richest, bright­est, sweet­est tre­asure!
Can I say a last fare­well?
Can I leave you—can I leave you,
Far in hea­then lands to dwell?

Yes! I hast­en from you glad­ly,
From the scenes I loved so well!
Far away, ye bil­lows, bear me;
Lovely na­tive land, fare­well!
Pleased I leave thee—pleased I leave thee
Far in he­athen lands to dwell.

In the de­serts let me la­bor,
On the mount­ains let me tell
How He died—the bless­èd Sav­ior—
To re­deem a world from hell!
Let me hast­en, let me hast­en
Far in hea­then lands to dwell.

Bear me on, thou rest­less ocean;
Let the winds my can­vas swell—
Heaves my heart with warm emo­tion,
While I go far hence to dwell.
Glad I bid thee, glad I bid thee,
Native land! Fare­well—Far­ewell!