Scripture Verse

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7


Daniel B. Towner (1850–1919)

Words: Ella Lauder, 1901.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ella Lauder
ca. 1864–?


Sow flow­ers, and flow­ers will blos­som
Around you wher­ev­er you go;
Sow weeds, and of weeds reap the har­vest,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow


You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow,
The har­vest is cer­tain­ly coming,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow

Sow bless­ings, and bless­ings will rip­en,
Sow hat­red, and hat­red will grow;
Sow mer­cy and reap sweet com­pas­sion,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow


Sow love, and its sweet­ness up­ris­ing
Shall fill all your heart with its glow;
Sow hope, and re­ceive its fru­ition,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow


In faith sow the word of the Mas­ter,
A bless­ing He’ll sure­ly be­stow;
And souls shine like stars for your crown­ing,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow


Preach Christ in His won­der­ful full­ness,
That all His sal­va­tion may know;
Reap life thro’ the ag­es eter­nal,
You’ll reap what­so­ev­er you sow
