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Scripture Verse

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


Words: Lind­say Stein, 2004 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Home­com­ing, Lind­say Stein, 2004 (pub­lic do­main) (🔊 ).

Lindsay Stein (1965–)

The Hymn Your word is a lamp for my feet was writ­ten on Sa­tur­day 24th July 2004 for an ev­en­ing ser­vice to the fol­low­ing day. The Pas­tor had just re­turned from ho­li­day, and wished to use these pas­sag­es as his text next ev­en­ing.

Finding it dif­fi­cult to choose hymns for the ser­vice, I pa­ra­phrased the read­ings to pro­duce this short hymn, then wrote the tune Home­com­ing to fit the words.

It was fin­ished off on the Sun­day af­ter­noon, played at sight by the wor­ship group at the ser­vice, and sung suc­cessfully at first time of hear­ing by a small con­gre­ga­tion.

Lindsay Stein, 2007


Your Word is a lamp for my feet,
And a light for my path­way.
I will hide Your Word in my heart,
And me­di­tate on it each day.
Your Word has the power to give wis­dom;
It’s a teach­er, the eq­ual of none;
I have sought and found truth in Your teach­ing
Of sal­va­tion through Je­sus, Your Son.

Your Word is a lamp for my feet,
And a light for my path­way.
I will hide Your Word in my heart,
And me­di­tate on it each day.
All scrip­ture by God is in­spir­èd;
It re­bukes us when we go as­tray,
It is use­ful for teach­ing, cor­rect­ing,
And to train us for liv­ing God’s way.