Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Words: Lindsay Stein, 2004 (public domain).
Music: Homecoming, Lindsay Stein, 2004 (public domain) (🔊
The Hymn Your word is a lamp for my feet was written on Saturday 24th July 2004 for an evening service to the following day. The Pastor had just returned from holiday, and wished to use these passages as his text next evening.
Finding it difficult to choose hymns for the service, I paraphrased the readings to produce this short hymn, then wrote the tune Homecoming to fit the words.
It was finished off on the Sunday afternoon, played at sight by the worship group at the service, and sung successfully at first time of hearing by a small congregation.
Lindsay Stein, 2007
Your Word is a lamp for my feet,
And a light for my pathway.
I will hide Your Word in my heart,
And meditate on it each day.
Your Word has the power to give wisdom;
It’s a teacher, the equal of none;
I have sought and found truth in Your teaching
Of salvation through Jesus, Your Son.
Your Word is a lamp for my feet,
And a light for my pathway.
I will hide Your Word in my heart,
And meditate on it each day.
All scripture by God is inspirèd;
It rebukes us when we go astray,
It is useful for teaching, correcting,
And to train us for living God’s way.