


Born: No­vem­ber 29, 1832, Ger­man­town, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: March 6, 1888, Con­cord, Mas­sa­chu­setts. Her death was due to mer­cu­ry poi­son­ing caused by an un­suc­cess­ful treat­ment for ty­phoid fev­er.

Buried: Sleepy Hol­low Ce­me­te­ry, Con­cord, Mas­sa­chu­setts.


From Our Happy Home

From our happy home
Through the world we roam
One week in all the year,
Making winter spring
With the joy we bring
For Christ­mas-tide is here.

Now the eastern star
Shines from afar
To light the poorest home;
Hearts warmer grow,
Gifts freely flow,
For Christ­mas-tide has come.

Now gay trees rise
Before young eyes,
Abloom with tempting cheer;
Blithe voices sing,
And blithe bells ring,
For Christ­mas-tide is here.

Oh, happy chime,
Oh, blessed time,
That draws us all so near!
Welcome, dear day,
All creatures say,
For Christ­mas-tide is here.

Louisa May Alcott
A Christ­mas Dream, and
How It Came True

Harper’s Young People
Volume IV, numbers 162 & 163
December 5 & 12, 1882


Louisa was the daugh­ter of Amos Bron­son Al­cott and Abi­gail May.

She is best known as the au­thor of the no­vel Lit­tle Wo­men.

