


Born: Ap­ril 1, 1824, Quom­dan (now Quorn, Lei­ces­ter­shire), Eng­land.

Died: 1913, a few days be­fore his 90th birth­day, prob­ab­ly in West Bridg­ford, Not­ting­ham­shire. His pass­ing was re­cord­ed in Births, Mar­ri­ag­es and Deaths for Jan­ua­ry, Feb­ru­ary and March 1913.


Allsop was the son of a Bap­tist miss­ion­ary in Ja­mai­ca, and hus­band of Ma­ria Ro­berts.

He re­turned to Eng­land af­ter his fa­ther died in 1829. In 1860, All­sop be­came pas­tor of a Ge­ne­ral Bap­tist church in Whit­tle­sey, Cam­bridge­shire. He lat­er served in Long­ford (near Co­ven­try) and March, then moved to Bur­ton-on-Trent in 1879.

New cha­pels were built in March and Bur­ton-on-Trent in con­nec­tion with his min­is­try (the lat­ter was re­ferred to as So­lo­mon’s Tem­ple).

Allsop be­came pre­si­dent of the Bap­tist An­nu­al As­so­ci­ation in 1879. He spent the last de­cade of his life in West Bridg­ford, Not­ting­ham­shire, where he was an hon­or­ary pas­tor.


While All­sop was pas­tor at Long­ford (1864–68), it was the cus­tom to have an orig­in­al hymn at the Sun­day school an­ni­ver­sar­ies, and he wrote sev­er­al for these oc­ca­sions.



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