Scripture Verse

Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4


Solomon S. Allsop (1824–1913)

Words: So­lo­mon S. All­sop, in The School Hym­nal, by Will­iam R. Ste­ven­son (Lon­don: E. Marl­bo­rough, 1880), num­ber 323.

Music: Mor­well­ham Charles H. Steg­gall, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of All­sop,

Charles H. Steggall (1826–1905)


Our hymn of thanks we sing to­day;
Our hearts and voic­es raise,
To Him who, with a Fa­ther’s love,
Has guid­ed all our ways:
The mer­cies of ano­ther year
Demand our grate­ful praise.

Jesus, ac­cept the thanks we bring,
Unworthy though they be;
Thou didst of old let child­ren sing
Hosannas un­to Thee.
We too pre­sent our of­fer­ing,
And join their har­mo­ny.

Throughout the year we have been blest
With les­sons from Thy word,
From teach­ers dear, who ne­ver tire
In work­ing for their Lord,
Our minds to train, our souls to win:
O give them their re­ward.

May we still love the Sun­day School;
Still love Thy word and ways;
And wise unto sal­va­tion grow,
In these our youth­ful days;
Then join the bless­èd band above,
Who ev­er sing Thy praise.

Lord, smile up­on the friends who come
To aid this work of love;
Their of­fer­ings gra­cious­ly ac­cept;
Thy bless­ing may they prove
A hun­dred fold—and may we meet
Teachers and friends above.