The Cyber Hymnal™

You can contact us at this address:

Replace the -at- with the @ symbol.

  1. Please read the FAQ be­fore send­ing mail.
  2. We don’t so­lic­it re­quests for spe­cific texts or mu­sic. If you sub­mit such a re­quest:
    • If it’s co­py­righ­ted, get the co­py­right own­er’s writ­ten per­mis­sion first.
    • Tell us the hym­nal or song­book and page where we can find the it­em. If pos­si­ble, in­clude scanned im­ag­es of the ti­tle page and the page where the mu­sic ap­pears.
    • Sadly, we are forced to dis­card re­quests that lack this da­ta.
  3. We apo­lo­gize that lack of time oft­en keeps us from an­swer­ing mail.

To report an error:

  1. Where does the er­ror oc­cur? Is it on­ly on one page, or on mul­ti­ple pag­es? Co­py the URL(s) from the brows­er ad­dress bar and paste it in­to your e-mail.
  2. If there’s an er­ror mes­sage, co­py and paste it in­to the e-mail.
  3. Does the prob­lem oc­cur in more than one brow­ser? Does it oc­cur on mul­ti­ple com­put­ers? Mul­ti­ple phones?
  4. What com­put­er, phone or op­erat­ing sys­tem do you use?
  5. What brow­ser do you use? Do you have the lat­est ver­sion?
  6. Provide a de­tailed de­scrip­tion of the symp­toms.
  7. Have you cleared your brows­er cache? (See FAQ page for in­struct­ions on how to do this.)
  8. Click here and co­py the dis­played da­ta in­to your e-mail. This gives us de­tails on your sy­stem to help di­ag­nose the prob­lem.