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D. Lee Aultman



Born: Sep­tem­ber 5, 1849, in a vil­lage about three miles south­west of Beth­el, Ohio.


My father was a far­mer and I was reared on the farm, work­ing in the sum­mer and at­tend­ing school in the win­ter.

After com­plet­ing the High School course in Beth­el, Ohio, I was grant­ed a coun­ty teach­er’s cer­ti­fi­cate and for six years I taught school in coun­try plac­es.

In the fall of 1872 I was ad­mit­ted on tri­al in the Cin­cin­na­ti An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, and from that time have been en­gaged in the work as­signed me by my Con­fer­ence.

D. Lee Ault­man, The Stu­dents Jour­nal, Vol­ume XXI (New York: An­drew J. Gra­ham, Ju­ly 1892), p. 4


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