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Augusta Amherst Austen


Born: Au­gust 2, 1827, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Baptized: August 7, 1827, St. Ma­ry­le­bone, Lon­don.

Died: Au­gust 5, 1877, Glas­gow, Scot­land.


Augusta was the daugh­ter of lin­en drap­er John Aus­ten and his wife Ma­ry, wife of tai­lor Tho­mas Ans­tey Guth­rie (mar­ried July 11, 1855, St. Ma­ry, Pad­ding­ton), and mo­ther of au­thor Tho­mas Ans­tey Guth­rie (same name as his fa­ther).

She stu­died at the Roy­al Aca­de­my of Mu­sic, and stu­died pi­ano­for­te un­der Mrs. G. F. An­derson (née Lu­cy Phill­pot), teach­er to Queen Vic­tor­ia.

She played the or­gan at Eal­ing Church (1841–48) and Pad­ding­ton Cha­pel (1848–57).



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