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Jarrette E. Aycock



Born: Oc­to­ber 2, 1890, Har­ris­on, Ar­kan­sas.

Died: Oc­to­ber 10, 1966, Hill­crest Hos­pi­tal, Wa­co, Tex­as.

Buried: Green Lawn Ce­me­te­ry, Kan­sas Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri.


Jarrette was the son of Jas­per New­ton Ay­cock and Ly­dia Jo­se­phine Ma­thews, and hus­band of Dell Ay­cock.

He earned a Doc­tor of Di­vi­ni­ty de­gree from Be­th­any Na­za­rene Col­lege, Be­tha­ny, Ok­la­ho­ma, and for ma­ny years, was su­per­in­tend­ent of the Kan­sas Ci­ty Dis­trict of the Church of the Na­za­rene.

Aycock was al­so a well known ev­an­gel­ist: At the time of his death, he was con­duct­ing a re­viva­l at the First Church of the Na­za­rene in Wa­co.




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