A fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.
Zechariah 13:1
Words: JarÂrette E. AyÂcock, 1926. ApÂpeared in New Songs of the Old Faith: NumÂber Two, comÂpiled by KenÂneth H. Wells et al. (KanÂsas CiÂty, MisÂsouÂri: LilÂleÂnas PubÂlishÂing, 1927), numÂber 96.
Music: Dell Aycock (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of JarÂrette or Dell AyÂcock (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
There’s a fountÂain for the cleansÂing of the soul,
Where the wickÂed wash away their sin and shame;
Where the heart can be for evÂerÂmore made whole,
And lose all its guilÂty stains.
There’s a fountÂain flowÂing for me;
There’s a fountÂain flowÂing so free;
’Tis the preÂcious blood of Jesus,
Which was shed on Calvary;
There’s a fountÂain flowÂing for me.
For the healÂing of the naÂtions is its flow;
Come, ye millÂions, plunge inÂto the crimÂson tide;
O the preÂcious blood will cleanse you as you go,
And you will be saÂtisÂfied.
While the fountÂain’s standÂing opÂen, heed the cry,
Whosoever will may come inÂto the flood;
Plunge, O plunge inÂto the fountÂain ere you die,
For ’tis filled with JeÂsus’ blood.