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George Henry Badger



Born: March 27, 1859, Charles­town, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: 1953, Or­ange Coun­ty (pos­si­bly Or­lan­do, where lived at least 15 years), Flo­ri­da.


George was the hus­band of Al­ice S. Ham­ilt­on.

Raised in the Swe­den­bor­gi­an de­no­mi­na­tion, Badg­er was edu­cat­ed at Will­iams College (AB 1883), An­do­ver New­ton Theo­lo­gi­cal School (1883–84), and Har­vard Di­vi­ni­ty School (STB 1886).

After con­vert­ing to Uni­ta­ri­an­ism, Badg­er was or­dained in 1886 as the Uni­ta­ri­an pas­tor in South Na­tick, Mas­sa­chu­setts, stay­ing there un­til 1892. He went on to serve pas­tor­ates in New Jer­sey, Tex­as, and Flo­ri­da, re­tir­ing in 1936.

Badger al­so found­ed The New Uni­ta­ri­an, and ed­it­ed it for 10 years.



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