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Edward Gilpin Bagshawe




Born: Jan­ua­ry 12, 1829, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary, 6, 1915, Houns­low, Eng­land.

Buried: Not­ting­ham Ca­thed­ral, Eng­land.


Son of Coun­ty Court Judge H. R. Bag­shawe, Ed­ward stu­died at St. Ma­ry’s Col­lege, Os­cott, and took his BA at Lon­don Uni­ver­si­ty.

He had planned to work in law, but in­stead joined the Bromp­ton Ora­to­ry in 1849, and was or­dained a priest in 1852.

In 1871, he was con­se­crat­ed by R. C. Bi­shop of Not­ting­ham, and in 1874, be­came Bi­shop of Not­ting­ham.

In 1901, Bag­shawe’s health be­gan to fail, and while in Rome in May that year he was en­cour­aged to of­fer his re­sig­na­tion.

As ti­tu­lar Bi­shop of Hy­pae­pa (now Gün­lü­ce, Öde­miş, Tür­ki­ye), he went to live in the Blue Nuns’ House at Houns­low. He be­came ti­tu­lar Arch­bi­shop of Se­leu­cia in 1904.

