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Johann Friedrich Bahnmaier




Born: Ju­ly 12, 1774, Ob­er­sten­feld, Würt­tem­berg, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Au­gust 18, 1841, Ow­en, Würt­tem­berg, Ger­ma­ny.


Bahnmeier stu­died first at Tü­bing­en, then was ap­point­ed as­sist­ant to his fa­ther in 1798.

He be­came Dia­co­nus at Mar­bach am Neck­ar in 1806, and at Lud­wigs­burg in 1810, where for a time he head­ed a young ladies’ school. In 1815, he was ap­point­ed Pro­fess­or of Edu­ca­tion and Ho­mi­le­tics at Tü­bing­en. How­ev­er, in the trou­ble­some times that fol­lowed, had to re­sign his post.

In 1819, he was ap­point­ed De­can and Town Preach­er at Kirch­eim un­ter Teck, where he served 21 years.

Bahnmeier was a dis­ting­uished preach­er, grea­tly in­ter­est­ed in the caus­es of edu­ca­tion, mis­sions, and Bi­ble so­ci­eties.

He was al­so a lead­er on the com­mit­tee which com­piled the Würt­tem­berg Ge­sang­buch of 1842.

He preached his last ser­mon at Kirch­eim on Au­gust 15, 1841. Two days lat­er he held a vi­si­ta­tion at Ow­en. While in­spect­ing the school at the ad­ja­cent vil­lage of Brucker, he had a pro­ba­ble stroke, and was tak­en back to Ow­en, where he died.



Help Needed

If you know Bahn­mei­er’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?