


Born: March 24, 1754, Red­ding, Con­nec­ti­cut.

Died: De­cem­ber 26, 1812, near Kra­ków, Po­land, of pneu­mon­ia.

Buried: Church­yard in Żar­no­wiec, Po­land.


Joel was the son of Sa­mu­el Bar­low and Es­ther Hull, and hus­band of Ruth Bald­win.

While in col­lege, he fought in the 1776 Bat­tle of Long Is­land, New York.

He gra­du­at­ed from Yale Uni­ver­si­ty in 1778, and was a well known au­thor and po­li­ti­cian dur­ing and af­ter the Am­eri­can re­vo­lu­tion.

U.S. Pre­si­dent James Mon­roe made him Am­eri­can am­bas­sa­dor to France.


In 1785, at the re­quest of the (Con­gre­ga­tion­al) Ge­ne­ral As­so­cia­tion of Con­nec­ti­cut, he cor­rect­ed and en­larged Is­aac WattsPsalms of Da­vid, sup­ply­ing those omit­ted by Watts, and ad­apt­ing it to Am­eri­can tastes.

The re­sult, pub­lished in 1786, went through va­ri­ous ed­it­ions for ma­ny years. Its cu­ri­ous ti­tle is: Psalms Car­eful­ly Suit­ed to the Chris­tian Wor­ship in the Unit­ed States of Am­eri­ca, Be­ing Dr. Watts’ Imi­ta­tion of the Psalms of Da­vid, as Im­proved by Mr. Bar­low.

Other works by Bar­low in­clude:

