Scripture Verse

Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man. Psalm 43:1


Joel Barlow (1754–1812)

Words: Jo­el Bar­low, 1785.

Music: Hop­kin­ton Ol­iv­er Hol­den, 1795 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Oliver Holden (1765–1844)


Judge me, O God, and plead my cause
Against a sin­ful race;
From vile op­press­ion and de­ceit
Secure me by Thy grace.
From vile op­press­ion and de­ceit
Secure me by Thy grace.

On Thee my stead­fast hope de­pends,
And am I left to mourn?
To sink in sor­rows and in vain
Implore Thy kind re­turn?
To sink in sor­rows and in vain
Implore Thy kind re­turn?

O send Thy light to guide my feet
And bid Thy truth ap­pear;
Conduct me to Thy ho­ly hill
And taste Thy mer­cies there.
Conduct me to Thy ho­ly hill
And taste Thy mer­cies there.

Then to Thy al­tar, oh my God,
My joy­ful feet shall rise,
And my tri­um­phant songs shall praise
The God that rules the skies.
And my tri­um­phant songs shall praise
The God that rules the skies.