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Emma Frances Shuttleworth Bevan




Born: Sep­tem­ber 25, 1827, Ox­ford, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 13, 1909, Cannes, France.

Buried: Trent Park, Cock­fos­ters, Lon­don, Eng­land.


Bevan was the daugh­ter of Phil­ip Ni­cho­las Shut­tle­worth (war­den of New Col­lege, Ox­ford, and lat­er bi­shop of Chi­ches­ter, Eng­land) and Em­ma Mar­tha Welch.

In 1856, she mar­ried Ro­bert Coop­er Lee Be­van, of the Lom­bard Street bank­ing firm that lat­er be­came Bar­clays Bank.

She pub­lished sev­er­al books trans­lat­ing Ger­man hymns in­to Eng­lish.



The Judgment-Seat

Before the judgment-seat of Christ
Shall His beloved stand,
Their raiment white as is the light,
A palm in every hand.

Like Him who sits upon the throne
All glorious and all fair,
His everlasting life their own
They stand irradiate there.

His deep delight—His heart’s desire,
The joy before Him set,
For them He passed through flood and fire,
He wept on Olivet.

For them His agony untold;
For them the curse He bare:
He sees the travail of His soul
When stainless they are there.

With splendour wrought their robes were brought
From God their Father’s store—
In Christ arrayed, Himself displayed
In them for evermore—

And who shall then the soul condemn
That God has justified?
Shall Christ condemn, beholding them
His Body and His Bride?

Adorned for Him as is the wife
Upon her marriage day,
Himself it is who is their life,
As He is, so are they.

He gives to them the glorious prize
For works that were His own;
Their beauty in the Father’s eyes
Is Je­sus Christ alone.

Emma Frances Bevan
The Earnest of the Spir­it, 1907




Help Needed

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Be­van, would you send us an e-mail?