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Frederick Bevan



Born: 1856, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: March 27, 1939.

Buried: North Road Ce­me­te­ry, Nails­worth, South Aus­tral­ia.


Bevan is re­mem­bered as a sing­er and song­writ­er in Eng­land, and as a sing­ing teach­er in South Aus­tral­ia.

He be­gan his mu­sic­al ca­reer as a cho­ris­ter and one of the chief so­lo­ists at All Saints’ Ang­li­can Ca­thed­ral, Mar­ga­ret Street, Lon­don.

He was al­so a mem­ber of the choir of St. Mar­tin’s, Ha­ver­stock Hill, and of St. Mar­ga­ret Pat­tens, and of the Hen­ry Les­lie and Jo­seph Barn­by choirs.

He stu­died or­gan un­der Chris­to­pher Will­ing and Will­iam S. Hoyte, and af­ter fur­ther voice train­ing was ap­point­ed Gen­tle­man of the Cha­pel, Cha­pel Roy­al, White­hall, in 1878.

In 1888, he re­ceived an ap­point­ment at the Cha­pel Roy­al, St. James’ Pal­ace. He al­so held ap­point­ments as as­sist­ant lay vi­car of West­min­ster Ab­bey, and vi­car chor­al at St Paul’s Ca­thed­ral.

He was al­so well known as a song writ­er with an out­put of more than 100 songs, a num­ber or part-songs and an­thems.

In 1898 he ac­cept­ed an ap­point­ment as teach­er of sing­ing at the El­der Con­ser­va­to­ri­um in Ade­laide, Aus­tral­ia.

The Lon­don Mu­sic­al Times re­port­ed on the fare­well din­ner giv­en to him Ap­ril 25 at St. James’ Res­tau­rant by 150 mem­bers of the mu­sic­al pro­fes­sion, where he was pre­sent­ed with a book of au­to­graphs of those pre­sent.

He ar­rived in South Aus­tral­ia in June 1898. He was or­gan­ist and choir­mas­ter at the North Ade­laide Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church for two de­cades.




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