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William Burdine Blake, Sr.




Born: Jan­ua­ry 21, 1852, Lon­don, Ohio (some sourc­es say on an Ohio Riv­er steam­boat).

Died: De­cem­ber 4, 1938, at his home in Ron­cev­erte, West Vir­gin­ia.

Buried: Riv­er­view Ce­me­te­ry, Ron­cev­erte, West Vir­gin­ia.


William was the son of Bur­dine Blake, Jr., and Ma­ry El­len Mur­ray, and hus­band of Al­ice Ma­ry Horne.

He set­tled near Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia, in the ear­ly 1870s, and worked with the Rue­bush-Kieff­er mu­sic pub­lish­ers there.

In 1889, Blake moved to Ron­cev­erte, West Vir­gin­ia, and part­nered with J. W. Hess in pub­lish­ing the Ron­cev­erte News. Around 1891, he bought Hess’ part of the news­pa­per, and changed the name to the Val­ley Mes­sen­ger and News.

In De­cem­ber 1897, Blake formed The West Vir­gin­ia News. He pub­lished both pa­pers un­til 1901, when the Val­ley Mes­senger and News was con­sol­id­at­ed in­to the lat­ter pa­per.

Sons Will­iam B. Jr. and Ed­ward L., and grand­son Nor­man B., fol­lowed Blake in this news­pa­per en­dea­vor.





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