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Georg Gottfried Boltze


Gabriel Gottlieb Boltze


Baptized: Sep­tem­ber 6, 1721, Ber­lin Gar­ni­son­ge­meinde, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: May 28, 1794.

Buried: Pots­dam Gar­ni­son­ge­meinde, Ger­many.


Boltze was the son of An­dre­as Boltze and An­na Do­ro­thea Hof­fmann. Sources va­ry as to his gi­ven and mid­dle names.

Boltze was ad­mitted to the roy­al mi­li­ta­ry or­phan­age in Pots­dam, Ger­ma­ny, as an in­va­lid or­phan. He be­came the or­gan­ist at the or­phan­age church in 1741, as­sist­ant teach­er there in 1757, can­tor in 1761, and re­gu­lar teach­er at the or­phan­age girl’s school by 1768.

He went blind and re­tired from his po­si­tion of can­tor and or­ganist some­time be­tween 1768 and 1771.

Boltze mar­ried three times, and had 16 child­ren.



If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Boltze (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?