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Claude Hinton Bottoms



Born: Ap­ril 13, 1878, Fay­ette Coun­ty, Geor­gia.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 2, 1940, At­lan­ta, Geor­gia.

Buried: Riv­er­dale First Bap­tist Church Ce­me­te­ry, Riv­er­dale, Geor­gia.



Claude was the son of George Wash­ing­ton Bot­toms and Su­san Eli­za­beth Col­lins, and hus­band of Ma­ry Eli­za­beth Riv­ers (mar­ried 1910, Clay­ton County, Geor­gia).

Claude was edu­cat­ed in the pub­lic schools, and be­gan stu­dy­ing mu­sic in ear­nest in 1898 under J. M. York. He lat­er con­tin­ued his stu­dies un­der J. Hen­ry Sho­wal­ter.

After at­tend­ing two ses­sions of the South­ern Nor­mal Mu­sic­al In­sti­tute (SNMI), he re­ceived his di­plo­ma at the sp­ecial ses­sion held in Dal­ton, Geor­gia, in 1902. He took a post-gra­du­ate course from the SNMI in the ear­ly part of 1904.

He be­gan teach­ing in 1901, the year his first mu­sic was pub­lished in Our Thank­ful Songs.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Bot­toms, would you send us an e-mail?