

Born: Au­gust 24, 1846, Kent, Eng­land.

Died: March 22, 1929, Gold­ers Green, Hen­don, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land.


William was the son of ci­vil ser­vant Ste­phen Bourne.

He was edu­cat­ed at Mer­chant Tay­lor’s School and the Lon­don Col­lege of Di­vi­ni­ty, and took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1869.

He was suc­cess­ive­ly cur­ate of Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty, Der­by; Har­row-on-the-Hill; St. Paul’s, St. Le­on­ards-on-Sea; Ash­ford, Kent; in 1875, vi­car of Pin­ner, Mid­dle­sex; and in 1880, vi­car of All Saints, Hag­ger­stone. In 1900, he be­came rec­tor of Finch­ley

He con­trib­ut­ed po­ems to Church Bells and oth­er pe­ri­od­icals. In 1879, he be­came ed­it­or of The Mis­sion Field for the So­ci­ety for the Pro­mo­tion of Chris­tian Know­ledge.




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